Refreshment, Gospel-Churching, Prayer and a Doxology.

This weekend has been somewhat refreshing. I have enjoyed the joy of a new church plant launching near me, a church that is seeking to reach the lost in a radically biblical and Christ focussed way, wanting to impact those unreached unmoved by the gospel with the gospel (a blog to come about that). And … Continue reading Refreshment, Gospel-Churching, Prayer and a Doxology.

Soul Revival Church – In The Greenhouse

Last night I attended a Supporters Supper at Doltone House in Sylvania Waters for an Anglican church plant called "Soul Revival Church". There were about 150 people from different churches and organisations gathered to hear about the new work that's going to be done in the Shire. It's very exciting! And, as I learnt, very … Continue reading Soul Revival Church – In The Greenhouse